Mootual Aid
San Antonio

Mootual Aid is a flat autonomous grassroots collective based on the principles of direct action, cooperation, solidarity, & harm reduction Ⓐ

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What we do

Located in San Antonio, Texas, we empower communities by breaking down stigmas of mental health and substance use amongst the houseless and users in general. We do this by providing support, entertainment, and various other resources that contribute to the health and well-being of said individuals/communities.

Consent is Crucial

It is important to note that we provide aid in ways that our peers deem fit. Mutual aid goes above one’s own personal definition of “care”. Thus, we must approach every interaction with our egos set aside and our minds open. We listen, we do not pressure. Not everyone will want help and we do not wish to force unsolicited advice or assistance upon anyone.

Dedicated to transparency

That includes with each other, the general public, and those we share aid with.

Mutual aid aims for a collaborative effort in all aspects. All voices must feel heard, both within and outside of the organization. There are so many organizations preexisting that offer the same benefits. Mootual Aid is here to fill in the spots and address the inaccessibility of the system we all live in.

Harm Reduction

The opposite of houselessness and substance over-use is not houses and sobriety, it is community and connection. We work towards safe usage opposed to abstinence by offering narcan, sharps containers, and condoms, and more.

If you are not comfortable with substance use, behaviors that may stem from substance use, and/or users themselves, we will happily guide you to an organization less focused on harm reduction.

If you choose to join us, please read our Harm Reduction Info & FAQs document.

We learn as we go.

Get involved so we can learn together.