Join the Herd

Please reach out via social media direct message on Facebook or Instagram. Physical presence is not required to be involved!

Harm Reduction

The opposite of houselessness and substance over-use is not houses and sobriety, it is community and connection. We work towards safe usage opposed to abstinence by offering narcan, sharps containers, and condoms, and more.

If you are not comfortable with substance use, behaviors that may stem from substance use, and/or users themselves, we will happily guide you to an organization less focused on harm reduction.

If you choose to join us, please read our Harm Reduction Info & FAQs document.

Safe & Easy Messaging

Signal is a messaging app with heavy encryption that keeps our conversations secure. Signal employees at any level can’t read our messages or listen to our calls, and no one else can either unless they are actively participating. This is the most recommended form of contact.